March 22, 2011

WTF? Sex Secrets

What's your secret? Your deepest, darkest secret? The one that no one in the world knows, that would require you to move two towns over if anyone ever found out.

Everyone has secrets. Whether it's something small like getting a scratch on your parents car & blaming it on a hit and run or something bigger like stealing or something freaky like something you like to do sexually or have done in the past and are now embarrassed [or not] by it.

Well the trio know as WTFSexFacts have made a full size book of people's sex secrets.
Follow them on Twitter and/or their Blog 

What's amazing about this book is that the material is raw! Real life secrets that will freak you out, gross you out, or maybe excite you!
This book is not for the faint-hearted or easily offended. 

There is no way of course to tell who they come from as submitting the information is 100% anonymous, so if you have a secret go ahead and post for the world to see. Who doesn't like hearing about other's dirty little secrets?! And people are still, right now as you read this, posting their secrets so there is always something there for you to read.

Get a taste of what's in the book with some of the secrets on WTFSexFacts' Tumblr page

I will warn you, some of these secrets are pretty damn gross. I read a few that almost made me throw up and some that are just kinky or plain weird. It's pretty interesting though to see what things people find sexually exciting and it's sad to read about some of the things that people have been put through and felt they had no one to go to for help.
I'm pretty sure you have never read a book like this one. Or heard of some of the things that people claim to have done or want to do.

As nasty as some of the secrets are, I'm not going to lie, I loved reading it. I actually did the 'eeeeeeeeee' squeal when they asked if I would like a copy to review it. I honestly don't know of anyone who wouldn't want to read this, hmm maybe all the people I know are freaks... oh well ;)

You can purchase the book on or
[[and the price is incredibly affordable]]

Here are a few of the, 'tame', secrets that you will find in the book:

"[male, 18] A girl gave me a blow job in the middle of band class in one of the practice rooms while I played my instrument, when I was 15."

"[female, 19] I have a high sex drive. I have had sex with at least 16 boys since I was 14."

"[male, 18] I can't stop jerking off over Justin Bieber. I'm a boy. I'm worried that this means I will grow               up to be a pedophile."

"[female, 27] I like to perform oral sex on unwashed genitals. The dirtier the better."

**These opinions are 100% my own. I was sent a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. 


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