January 20, 2011

Teen Mom

I am not one to normally judge other mothers. Every parent raises and disciplines their children their own way. They do what's right according to their lifestyle and beliefs.
I, too, became a mom at a very young age. I'm 23 and I have a 4 year old... But I consider myself to be a great mom. My boys, well my oldest because my younger son is only 1, are pretty well behaved. He says please and thank you. He eats as much vegetables and fruit and he would like to eat candy lol. He knows how to share and is considerate of others.
I have no problem with spanking but I rarely ever do it. I have always been able to keep myself under control and talk to them rather than loose it and start screaming. I am married but my husband works and goes to school and is in the military so I'm alone a lot. I still don't loose it.
Teen mom. Ugh, I hate that show. Yes, hate.
My sisters and friends love watching it and I cringe just at the very thought. It's horrible. I'm sure they made that show with the intention of showing how hard it is to be a teen mom but it seems like teens are not seeing it that way.
Watching that shows saddens, angers, and upsets me. I feel so bad for those little babies. I have a major soft spot for babies and I absolutely can not stand to see any be ignored and neglected like those girls do on that show. I've only seen about 3 episodes from the first season and
oh. em. gee!
Letting a one year old wander around the house alone when there is a huge staircase, leaving the baby alone in the sink while the mom walks into another bedroom. WTF is wrong with these girls.
I find it sad that so many teens find it to be almost like a trend. It's disgusting. They're babies not little dogs you dress up and carry around. I think that there should be so much more sex education for teens in high schools and not just that. Some form of baby education because we all know having sex is something that is going to happen. Teaching them to be safe should be priority in high school. And parents should be more involved. All those parents who think they're perfect little Johnny or Sue aren't engaging in that behavior need to think again. Support starts in the home and it's obvious a lot of these girls aren't getting that. We need to find a way to get teens to realize there is help out there and many other options.


Rebecca said...

I have to start by say that I love watching Teen Mom, but I am very saddened by the way most of the teen moms handle their kids. It takes common sense to not put your kid in the sink and walk away, or let your child crawl onto an open balcony. I think that there should be a lot more education on what its like to really take care of a baby, its HARD work and costs A LOT of money. These sad little girls really think that by having a baby, the "daddy" will stay with them, if only they would give themselves enough time they will realize they probably don't like him anyway... great post and cute blog. Good luck with your blogging endeavors

February 4, 2011 at 12:57 PM
Choolz said...

I agree, I think that instead of ignoring or trying to pretend like this isn't happening people should accept that it IS happening and help these kids out by providing more classes on what it is like to take care of children so they can see that it's not easy at all. Teach them more about birth control and proper uses. When I was in eighth grade I had a class where I had to take care of a baby for a week. It weighed like a 3 month old, cried every two hours and had to be changed and 'fed'. it recorded any hits, drops, non feedings and we'd be graded. It was horrible hahaha. It makes you see a little of how it would be with a newborn, these very young girls seem to think they are accessories to carry around.

Thanks for your comment and I followed your blog :)

February 4, 2011 at 4:52 PM

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